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Supplemental Covid-19 Safety Plan

Our plan to provide a safe environment for everyone to work & play.

Family Golf

Everyone’s safety is our top priority.

COVID-19 is a dangerous health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. Given the number of cases in our local area, we are very serious about managing the risks associated with Covid-19.  Your cooperation and active participation are appreciated.

 We are committed to keeping our staff and customers safe while they are at our facility.   We are proactive with our Operational Processes–regularly reviewing the Ministry of Health and Peel Health websites for the most current information and best practices.   This document outlines the safety plan for Mayfield Golf Club. 

 Our goal is to provide a safe environment for everyone to work and play.

How are we protecting our staff from Covid-19 exposure?

We proactively educate and Train Staff on the best practices for preventing Covid-19 exposure.

  1. We maintain regular and open communication with Staff to ensure that everyone is aware of:
  2. The health risks associated with Covid-19
  3. The way Covid-19 spreads
  4. The importance of face masks and face shields–when to wear them and why.
  5. The need for regular and proper handwashing
  6. The importance of regular sanitation of all workspaces, public areas, particularly in the Clubhouse.
  7. The need for social distancing–at least 2 meters apart from each other and patrons.


We conduct daily pre-work screens: 

  1. Every employee must complete a “Work Safe” screen before commencing work each day. Employees have the option to complete an online screen or in-person screen. We do not permit anyone to start work without having first completed the screening process.
  2. We document and save all employee screening results as per the Provincial requirements.


We control the risk of transmitting Covid-19 in our workplace by: 

  1. Ensuring that masks are worn both inside and outside the building.
  2. All Workstations are at least 2 meters apart and have a Plexi-Glass barrier installed around the work area.
  3. We permit only one staff member at a workstation at a time. If more than one worker is present (within a two-meter distance), all employees must wear a face mask and shields.
  4. Staff are not permitted in the check-in area unless scheduled to work there.
  5. We sanitize all workstations every 20 minutes.
  6. Every surface at reception, touched by a patron, is sanitized after each transaction.
  7. We complete additional sanitization during all shift changes.
  8. Hand sanitizer is readily available for Staff at their workstations.
  9. Every 20 minutes, the main building is closed for cleaning and sanitization. This process includes sanitizing all “major” staff and patron touchpoints–including computers, workstations, doorknobs, and bathrooms.


We have implemented additional measures for the sake of everyone’s safety.

  1. We monitor all guests for social distancing and mask requirements–including on course.

  2. We enforce “no congregating rules at all times.” Patrons must leave the facility immediately after their round–this includes the parking lot)


What is our procedure for a potential or suspected exposure to Covid-19 at our workplace?

  1. The entire building and outside areas will be immediately closed for thorough disinfection.
  2. We will immediately inform Staff directly of a potential case (or suspected exposure).
  3. We will ask Staff to monitor their symptoms.  
  4. We will continue to use the screening protocols for all Staff before granting access to work.  


How will we manage any new risks caused by changes made to the way we operate our business?

  1. We will consistently monitor all Staff, guests, building and equipment to ensure we are all safe. 

How are we making sure our business is working?

  1. We will consistently be checking for updates and applying them as they come about. 
  2. We will be in communication with the Staff to ensure they are safe and any recommendations they have.
  3. We will be asking patrons for feedback to see if there is anything more we can do
  4. We will do a self-evaluation daily on the procedures and what is (or is not) working. 


How are we protecting our customers from Covid-19 exposure?

Everyone requires a reservation (Tee Time) 

For the sake of safety and simplicity:

  1. We will only accept telephone and online reservations.
  2. We expanded tee times to 10 minutes before noon and 12 minutes through the afternoon.
  3. Only players with a reservation are permitted to play (no walk-ins)..


We now coordinate parking during busy times

For the sake of effective coordination:

  1. We request that customers arrive between 15 and 20 minutes before their tee time.
  2. If you arrive early, please stay in your vehicle until 15 minutes before your tee time.
  3. During busy periods we will provide parking attendants to direct traffic.


We post signage for “Best Practices” and “Directional Flow.”

For the sake of safety and simplicity:

  1. We have placed “directional” and “best practice” signage throughout the facility. Please look for the signs and follow their recommendations. These signs include:
  2. The proper place “to lineup for a service.”
  3. Reminders for:
  4. Masks Requirements — particularly in proximity to the main building (Clubhouse)
  5. Proper handwashing and hand sanitization.
  6. Cough and Sneeze Etiquette.
  7. Social distancing (2 m)
  8. The maximum number of guests permitted in a given area
  9. Direction signs to limit patrons from crossing paths.


We coordinate lineups for all service access.  

Lineups are necessary to ensure adequate customer spacing and reduce the number of customers crossing paths. For your safety:

  1. We have placed a customer coordinator at the front of the building.
  2. Please follow the direction of our “coordinator.” Their role is to ensure that only the prescribed number of patrons is allowed into a specific area.
  3. For the sake of simplicity, most lineups originate at the front of the main building. These lineups include check-in, washrooms, food and Beverage. For a graphic overview, please refer to diagram 1.1a.
  4. We prefer prepayment through our website.


We control access to the main building

For the sake of everyone health and safety:

  1. We require masks inside and outside the main building.
  2. We ask every person upon arrival if they have travelled outside of Canada (within the last 14 days). If a patron has travelled, they must leave the premises and self-isolate as the federal government prescribes.
  3. Doors will remain open to avoid contact when possible.
  4. Everyone must sanitize their hands before entering the building.
  5. All traffic flows into the building through the front door and exits through the back.
  6. Only a maximum of 5 guests in the building at any given time–two at check-in, one in each of the three bathrooms.


We coordinate and sanitize all rental equipment (Power Carts, Pull Carts and Rental Clubs)

 Power Carts

  1. Two people from different households may now share a power cart; however, a mask must be worn at all times while travelling together.
  2. Upon request, we can install a divider between riders as an extra layer of protection.
  3. We sanitize each power cart after each use.
  4. We have separated all power carts into outgoing and in-coming staging sections. The sections ensure that we track the sanitization process between customers. Please refer to diagram 1.1a.
  5. Customers are requested to remove their garbage and dispose of it properly in the designated receptacles.
  6. Customers are requested to load and unload their golf bags.

Pull Carts

We sanitize each pull cart after each use.

Please return all pull carts to the front of the building. The attendant at the front of the building will sanitize the used cart and return the clean cart to the pull cart staging area. Please refer to diagram 1.1a.

Rental Clubs

Rental Clubs are not available during this phase of the government shutdown.


Food & Beverage is only take-out

To control the flow of customers:

  1. Food and Beverage Service is coordinated outside from the Hut on the back patio.
  2. The patio area is closed during this phase of government lockdowns.
  3. We have removed all tables from the patio to discourage customers from congregating.
  4. Effective Saturday, June 5th, we will accept telephone food orders for pick-up at the Food Service Hut.


We schedule regular cleaning and sanitization of all service points

For everyone’s safety:

  1. All service points, including debit/credit terminals, are cleaned after each customer.
  2. Every 20 minutes, the main building is closed for cleaning and sanitization. This process includes sanitizing all “major” staff and patron touchpoints–including computers, workstations, doorknobs, and bathrooms.
  3. All outside customer and staff touchpoints, including handrails, are regularly sanitized.
  4. We provide sanitizer for patrons at all entrances and service points.


On Course, Washrooms are closed

For everyone safety:

  1. All “On Course” portable washrooms are closed during this phase of government lockdowns.
  2. Bathrooms in the Clubhouse are available for use.


We adapted the course for your safety

For everyone safety:

  1. Please refrain from touching the flag pins.
  2. We retrofitted all holes with a Styrofoam-raised noodle. Please do not remove the pin from the hole.
  3. We have removed all rakes and ball washers on the course.

Get in Touch

(905) 843-0726

Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 6:30am – 6:30pm
Saturday — 6:30am – 6:30pm
Sunday — 6:30am – 6:30pm

12552 Torbram Road
Caledon East, Ontario L7C 2S7