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How we manage our water resources

Unfortunately, because most irrigation occurs at night, the exceptional work goes unnoticed. 

A significant part of a Superintendent’s job is to manage water resources.  They must navigate a tricky balance between weather patterns, government regulations, available resources and course conditions.  While most golfers assume that watering a golf course is done quickly with a flip of a switch, the reality is that the process is much more complicated and time-consuming. For example, did you know that our maintenance staff must water a significant amount of turf by hand? Unfortunately, because most irrigation occurs at night, the exceptional work goes unnoticed. Our irrigation specialists are highly trained and environmentally responsible professionals.

Our irrigation specialists are highly trained and environmentally responsible professionals.

Water is a precious resource.  Government regulators respect that water management requires careful attention. Strict laws and processes govern every golf course, the amount of water they can use, and where they can access it. Consider, what would happen if a golf course had free access to water? While the Golf Course would look beautiful, what would happen to natural habitats downstream? As a direct result, the Ministry of Natural Resources has flow meters on all golf course pumps. Every course is required to document when they irrigate and how much.

Our family takes our environmental responsibility seriously.

Turf grass programs like the one at Guelph University conduct a significant amount of research on planning irrigations systems and when to irrigate to meet resource management challenges. This research is invaluable to the modern superintendent. Equipped with research and special tools, a superintendent can precisely determine how much water is necessary to keep their turf healthy. In the end, less wasted water is better for everyone.

Our family takes our environmental responsibility seriously. Our goal is to create a safe place for everyone to work and play. Water management is a large part of our work behind the scenes.